Why Am I Missing From Search?

Are you not seeing your account or some of your post in 966portal.com search? This page will help you figure out why.

My porofile and post don't appear in search

If you're having trouble locating your 966portal.com in search results, this information might help:

1- Are you viewing only filtered results? Try selecting All at the filter of the search results page, which will show you more post for that search query. Please note that we show every post in search results pages.

2- Are your post activate? inactive post not appear in search results.

My account doesn't appear in Twitter people search

If your account does not appear in people search results, check the following:

1- Are your name and bio filled in? 966portal.com search surfaces results with preference to those users who have a complete name, username, and bio on their profile. Please note that it may take a few days for changes to your profile information to be reflected in search.

2- Are you using 966portal.com actively? It's important to post and mention regularly to gain resonance amongst your result so that search are up to date for your account.

3- Is your account new? If so, please be patient. New accounts may take a few days to start appearing in people search.

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